Category Archives: Public Appearances

DHA staff members giving lectures or talks

David Robertson speaks to National Museum of Korea

David Robertson speaks to the NMK

DHA Director David Robertson was asked to address the National Museum of Korea last week, on the subject of museum gallery lighting. The invitation came about as a result of a visit by the NMK Director to London, where DHA’s work was seen by Dr. Kim Youngna, and recommended by the staff of the Asian Dept. at the V&A Museum. David addressed around 150 NMK conservators & curators, plus staff from many other museums across Korea, on the topic Lighting the Past: The V&A Museum & the Future of Exhibition Lighting. David reviewed the projects DHA have undertaken across this museum and others, and how they relate to current & future developments in museum lighting practice. He was interviewed by the NMK team, and met with curators and in-house designers of the National Museum.

DHA at Museums + Heritage Show, 2013

DHA Director, Jonathan Howard took part in the Influence of Technology in Exhibition Design seminar at the Museums + Heritage Show last week at Olympia in London. Discussions ranged across the use of smartphones for visitor engagement to the development of compelling interactives. As might be expected, the topic of LEDs for saving energy was also discussed in detail. Around 40 museum professionals attended the seminar, hosted by Robert Simpson, founding director of technology company, Electrosonic.

Exhibition Space of the Future at the V&A, 09/12/10…

I was a guest of Click Netherfield yesterday, at their conference on the Exhibition Space of the Future at the V&A’s Sackler Centre. Although they asked me to give a talk on the use of LED technology in the museum environment, the stand-out speakers for me were Dave Patten (Head of New Media at the Science Museum, London), who gave a great talk on integrating technology with exhibitions, and James Snyder (director of the Israel Museum, Jerusalem), who gave an outstanding talk on the re-development of the museum, completed earlier this year. James’s talk was quite inspirational, and the museum is truly beautiful.

More information on the conference can be found here.